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The refuge Miralago was built in the early 60's by one of the pioneers of the Passo San Pellegrino, Bepi Pellegrin Zac, known mountain guide and a great admirer of the mountain. Bepi Zac fell in love with this place and decided with his wife Maria to build on the banks of this small lake his refuge, with about 25 beds, rooms with TV, telephone, and for the more Apassionata has a small health center.

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The kitchen of the Miralago is based on authenticity and attention in the use of local products. Everything is lovingly made by hand as pasta sweets and ravioli, The meats and cheeses are of typical local production, some of the dishes & restaurant are: the deer fillet with porcini mushrooms, polenta with sausage mushrooms dumplings strangolapreti.


Room Type Minimum Maximum
Single 50.00 60.00
Double 100.00 120.00
Triple 145.00 150.00
Prices in Euros - Per room per night

per person for half board
Low season from 45,00 to 55,00
High Season from 60,00 to 75,00

Где мы находимся

Located at Passo San Pellegrino, 12 km from Moena and 7 from Falcade, on the banks of a natural lake is the Hotel refuge Miralago, surrounded by majestic peaks of Marmolada, in the background the group of Civetta.

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