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Apartamento in Olbia - Cerdeña - Italia

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Casa di Paola

Giua, 4 - Olbia (SS) - Italia
Hasta 5 personas Internet

Nice apartment with panoramic view (65 sqm) to Olbia in nearby suburbs. very quiet and peaceful area at 10 min from the beaches of Gallura. Apartment with 2 bedrooms 1 double and the other with 2 single beds each with private bathroom and air conditioning. Living room complete with appliances and washing machine plus outdoor patio with garden and parking space. About one km on availability of a shopping centre with about 30 shops

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(**) Por favor, tenga en cuenta que se trata de una reserva que no es obligatoria, pero si es una solicitud de disponibilidad e información general.


Apartamentos Guests (max) Minimum Maximum
App. 1 4 adulti 700.00 1000.00
Prices in Euros - Per apartment per week

PI: 01247470535 - es un lugar subsidiado por Aggiungi la tua struttura
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