Apartment in Castelsardo - Sardinia - ItalyCasa Vacanze LeonoraVia Regina Elena - Castelsardo (SS) - Italy
Up to 6 people
Near the Sea -
Private, rents comfortable apartment, with independent entrance, just 500 meters walk from the sea. The newly renovated apartment, and composed, of 2 comfortable rooms, double bed, with well 6 beds, (the large,4, the small,2) of a large, living kitchen, and a very comfortable bathroom, inside are present all the appliances, (oven, fridge, washing machine, TV, stereo, air conditioners, hair dryer, kitchen, iron, and ironing board) and all, the pot,. The particular location, being in the centre of the village, and close to the central square, makes the guest, at hand, all the services, which castelsardo offers, bars, restaurants, pizzerias, tobacco, newsstand, shops, and bazaars, of all kinds, are, all in the radius, of 100, meters (real) Prices